UFOyrtta  Большой онлайн видео архив по НЛО и аномальным явлениям. Более 5000 видео

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Групповое НЛО Кромержиж, Чехия. 10 апреля 2020

Просмотры: 1 Добавил: magufo  
Описание материала:

On April 10, 2020, a mysterious large triangular object, UFO, appeared in the sky around 8pm. We noticed it on our way to Kromeriz, but we didn't pay attention to it, we thought it was a classic plane. But we were taken aback by the fact that it neither "flashes" nor changes its location, but it is still floating in one place,he started toward the lights. It floated near the village Jarohněvice. "The object did not change its position for the duration of the shooting and stood in one place and then divided into three parts, which after some time rose and flew away,"
Source of video and story: TN CZ
Music Credit: The Middle ...

Язык: Русский
Длительность материала: 00:03:03
Автор: The Hidden Underbelly 2.0
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